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2nd Interregional Forum
on Global Citizenship Education

On Tuesday, March 19th, from 9:30 am to 5 pm, the second Interregional Forum on Global Citizenship Education will take place in Turin, at the Greenpea space in Turin. The forum is organized as part of the R-EDUC project: Regions for Global Citizenship Education, funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation. Organized by the Piedmont Region in collaboration with the Consortium of Piedmontese NGOs, the forum will focus on the theme of sustainability, which will be explored through dialogue among regions, actors in global citizenship education, and international cooperation.

With the Agenda 2030, for the first time globally, all dimensions of development have been considered to generate new balances by reducing negative impacts on environments and societies. Sustainable development, understood as a paradigm shift that guides society towards new perspectives, requires redirecting policies and actions at all intervention levels with the aim of reducing social and environmental imbalances generated by a model based solely on economic growth. Institutionally and operationally, Global Citizenship Education acts on building a global vision of problems, processes, and solutions to pursue sustainability goals. The Piedmont Region, along with other Italian regions, participates in the R-EDUC project – Regions for Global Citizenship Education: governance models and best practices. The project aims to develop knowledge and integration of GCE in the strategic and programming tools of regions and their stakeholders, through the definition of territorial coordination models, sharing best practices among territories, training decision-makers and public officials, and experimenting with territorial synergies in the dissemination of innovative tools and ways of activation and engagement in informal contexts.

For CISAO, Cristiana Peano, full professor at the Department of Agricultural, Forestry and Environmental Sciences and President of CISAO, intervenes with the theme of International Cooperation in Training for Sustainable Development.