Active participation of communities in resource management and in defining development strategies is a fundamental starting point to enable economic autonomy and empowerment of local populations
Territoriality represents a key approach for the sustainable development of local communities. When referring to territoriality, we are talking about development strategies co-constructed with local actors and conceived from a proximity perspective, based on the geographical, sociocultural and economic specificities of the territories. The territorial approach follows the logic of decentralizing development, valorizing local heritage and placing the needs of the territory at the center. It is based on knowledge that begins with the analysis of the territory in terms of physiographic, morphological, hydrogeological aspects and the distribution of natural resources (using both modern remote sensing techniques and on-site investigations). This allows for the study and verification of interactions and impacts on social, cultural, and economic dynamics as well as on the issues of conflicts and migrations. Through territorial studies and research, it is possible to build and strengthen networks of cooperation among local actors and various international stakeholders to promote the exchange of knowledge, dialogue and the consequent growth of those involved.
- Bechis, S.; Bonetto, S.M.R.; Bucci, A.; Canone, D.; Isotta Cristofori, E.; De Luca, D.A.; Demarchi, A.; Garnero, G.; Guerreschi, P.; Lasagna, M.; et al. Improving governance of access to water resources and their sustainable use in Hodh el Chargui communities (South East Mauritania). In Proceedings of the EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, Vienna, Austria, 4–13 April 2018.
- Bignante E., Dansero E., Loda M. (2015), Geografia e cooperazione allo sviluppo: prospettive e agende di ricerca, in Geotema, 48, pp. 5-24.
- Bonetto, S.; De Luca, D.; Lasagna, M.; Lodi, R. Groundwater distribution and fluoride content in the West Arsi Zone of the Oromia Region (Ethiopia). In Engineering Geology for Society and Territory, Volume 3: River Basins, Reservoir Sedimentation and Water Resources; Lollino, G., Arattano, M., Rinaldi, M., Giustolisi, O., Marechal, J.-C., Grant, G.E., Eds.; Springer: Berlin/Heidelberg, Germany, 2015; pp. 579–582.
- Bonetto, S.; Facello, A.; Camaro, W.; Cristofori, E.I.; Demarchi, A. An approach to integrate spatial and climatological data as support to drought monitoring and agricultural management problems in South Sudan. In Proceedings of the EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 17–22 April 2016; Volume 18. EGU2016-16952-2.
- Bonetto, S.; Facello, A.; Cristofori, E.I.; Camaro, W.; Demarchi, A. An Approach to Use Earth Observation Data as Support to Water Management Issues in the Ethiopian Rift. In Climate Change Adaptation in Africa: Fostering Resilience and Capacity to Adapt. Climate Change Management; Leal Filho, W., Belay, S., Kalangu, J., Means, W., Munishi, P., Musiyiwa, K., Eds.; Springer: Cham, Switzerland, 2016; pp. 357–374.
- Bonetto, S.M.R.; Caselle, C.; De Luca, D.A.; Lasagna, M. Groundwater Resources in the Main Ethiopian Rift Valley: An Overview for a Sustainable Development. Sustainability 2021, 13, 1347. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13031347
- Bonetto, S.M.R.; Facello, A.; Umili, G. The contribution of CurvaTool semi-automatic approach in structural and groundwater investigations. A case study in the Main Ethiopian Rift Valley. Egypt. J. Remote Sens. Space Sci. 2020, 23, 97–111.
- Caselle, C., Lasagna, M., Bonetto, S. M. R., De Luca, D. A., & Bechis, S.. Groundwater features in Hoedh el Chargui, Mauritania. Acque Sotterranee – Italian Journal of Groundwater, 2020, 9(4). https://doi.org/10.7343/as-2020-481
- Caselle, C.; Bonetto, S.M.R.; De Luca, D.A.; Lasagna, M.; Perotti, L.; Bucci, A.; Bechis, S. An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Sustainable Management of Territorial Resources in Hodh el Chargui, Mauritania. Sustainability 2020, 12, 5114. https://doi.org/10.3390/su12125114
- Chiusano G., Dansero E. (a cura di) (2012), Ori d’Africa: terra, acqua, risorse minerarie ed energetiche, Aiep Editore, San Marino, pp. 6- 17.
- Cirillo D. Dansero E., De Marchi M. (2015), Land grab, cooperazione internazionale e geografia: riflessioni per la ricerca e l’azione, in Geotema, 48, pp 104-112.
- Dansero E., (2013), Territorio, sviluppo locale e genere nel Fondo Italia-Cilss, in Pellizzoli R., Rossetti G. (a cura di), Donne, terre e mercati. Ripensare lo sviluppo rurale in Africa sub-sahariana, Padova, Cleup, pp. 73- 92.
Period: 1/10/2023 – 31/10/2026
Project Leader: DANSERO Egidio
Description: the overall objective of the project is to improve the living conditions of urban and peri-urban communities on the island of Pemba by promoting community participation in integrated and sustainable projects. Specifically, it aims to promote inclusive and sustainable growth in the areas of Chake Chake and Mkoani, in southern Pemba, by increasing urban climate resilience and access to basic services, socioeconomic opportunities, and decision-making processes, especially for women and youth.
Research-action and training activities are carried out on Integrated Urban Development and community mapping, contributing to the improvement of dialogue between local authorities, communities, and CSOs on participatory and coherent territorial planning.
Period: 01/05/22 – 01/05/25
Project Leader: Egidio DANSERO
Funders: Regione Piemonte
Description: The project “Networks at Work: Municipal Paths for Youth and Women in Senegal” aims to contribute to sustainable and inclusive development by supporting Senegalese Local Authorities in defining strategies to offer more job opportunities for young people and women, namely:
- Strengthening local governance systems and permanent consultation frameworks on active labor policies in the intervention areas;
- Promoting inclusive access to the labor market by implementing and supporting local services aimed at enhancing the employability of young people and women;
- Expanding the network of Senegalese public services by transferring best practices to additional Local Authorities and leveraging the experience of Piedmont’s territorial partnership system.
Period: 01/06/17 – 25/08/22
Project Leader: Egidio DANSERO
Funders: CISV – Community Involvement Volunteer Service
Description: In Senegal, the primary sector, mainly constituted by family farming, is the most important in the country, and rural micro-enterprises, particularly those focusing on organic production and renewable energies, can significantly contribute to increasing the profitability of agricultural activities. Additionally, one of the main financial sources enabling Senegalese families to access consumption and investments is represented by remittances from migrants, with about 15% of Senegal’s international migrations involving Italy.
Considering these elements, PAISIM, in collaboration with farmers’ federations, aims to promote eco-sustainable agriculture by supporting peasant communities and their organizations, thereby developing the “social” private sector. Furthermore, it aims to support economic initiatives of Senegalese migrants in Italy who intend to return or invest in their country of origin.
Research activities within the project “Creative Paths and Innovative Futures for Senegalese Ivorian Youth
Period: 01/11/17 – 31/12/22
Project Leader: Riccardo FORTINA
Description: “Creative Paths and Innovative Futures for Senegalese and Ivorian Youth” is a decentralized, multi-territorial, and multi-actor cooperation project aimed at addressing the root causes of youth migration in Senegal and Ivory Coast, fostering the development of local economies, and supporting public policies targeting young people.
Specifically, the project aims to:
- Improve public policies and services for young people and youth employment by strengthening the skills of African local authorities and consolidating the network of territorial partnerships involved;
- Enhance the skills of young people to increase their level of employment;
- Create new job opportunities by supporting wage and/or self-employment activities in innovative sectors.
The main activities planned within the project include:
- Workshops for the exchange of skills and strengthening the network of territorial partnerships involved;
- Training courses for public officials and operators in the youth sector;
- Specific training courses for trainers;
- Training courses for young people, specialized and innovative, aimed at expanding productive sectors;
- Professional internships for young participants in training;
- Identification, support, and mentoring for the creation of innovative start-ups by young people and public presentation of initiatives;
- Identification of co-working spaces and business sharing;
- Strengthening of Youth Information Centers in local communities to improve services for youth employment;
- Web pages and other information materials for youth career guidance and to promote existing national programs;
- Awareness campaigns against illegal migration
Period: 01/01/18 – 08/02/22
Project Leader: Egidio DANSERO
Description: The project aims to promote sustainable and inclusive economic development in Burkina Faso by strengthening the role of Local Authorities and supporting employment and training policies for the youth population. It represents a natural evolution of decentralized cooperation actions promoted for over 20 years by the Piedmont Region and the Tuscany Region in collaboration with other actors in their respective territories. The project is implemented in 7 local communities in Burkina Faso to promote the development of employment policies and services for youth employment and entrepreneurship through the exchange of good practices between South-South and North-South, consolidating the network of territorial partnerships involved. The main actions of the project revolve around the current Youth Centers already present and active in the various territories involved in Burkina Faso, strengthening their management and experimenting with training initiatives and support services for entrepreneurship before and after starting the business.
New Technologies and Ancient Crafts for Youth Employment in Niger
Period: 28/07/17 – 01/01/20
Project Type: Other Research Projects with Competitive Call
Project Leader: Domenico DE LUCA
Department Leader: EARTH SCIENCES
Funders: CISV – Community Involvement Volunteer Service