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One health

The concept refers to a cross-cutting and integrated approach that considers human, animal and environmental health as interconnected.


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The concept refers to a cross-cutting and integrated approach that considers human, animal and environmental health as interconnected. The health of people is indeed linked to the health of animals and the environment in which we live and a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approach is essential to address the health challenges that affect the entire ecosystem. Projects and initiatives are promoted to prevent, detect and respond effectively to infectious diseases (including zoonoses), improve public health and promote environmental sustainability and animal welfare. CISAO projects aim to operate through various strategies including disease surveillance, monitoring and control, research and development of new approaches and support for training and the implementation of health policies. This multidisciplinary and integrated approach allows for optimal planning and design to address complex health challenges that involve human, animal and environmental health.
  • Calcaneal Quantitative Ultrasonography and Urinary Retinol-Binding Protein in Antiretroviral-Treated Patients With Human Immunodeficiency Virus in Uganda: A Pilot Study. Costa C, Scabini S, Kaimal A, Kasozi W, Cusato J, Kafufu B, Borderi M, Mwaka E, Di Perri G, Lamorde M, Calcagno A, Castelnuovo B. J Infect Dis. 2020 Jun 29;222(2):263-272. doi: 10.1093/infdis/jiaa088.
  • Demarchi, A.; Bechis, S.; Perotti, L.; Garnero, G.; Isotta Cristofori, E.; Alunno, L.; Facello, A.; Semita, C.; Bonetto, S.; Guerreschi, P. An interdisciplinary approach to the analysis of agro pastoral resilience in the Hodh el Chargui region (Mauritania). In Proceedings of the 20th EGU General Assembly 2018, Vienna, Austria, 4–13 April 2018; Volume 20. EGU2018-15808-1.
  • DOCUMENT D’ORIENTATION – JUIN 2022 – FAO ROME. « Comment améliorer le financement de la filière lait local au Niger ? » record ID 295820 DOI: ; PDF URL:
  • Harouna, A., Nouri Ibrahim, M., Ali Dandakoye, A., Djibrilla, R., Reynard, N., Semita, C., Cortese, M. P., Cortez Tellez, A., et Seini, M. Note technique: « Opportunités de financement de la chaîne de valeur lait local au Niger ». FAO, Rome. 2022. 
  • High efavirenz serum concentrations in TB/HIV-coinfected Ugandan adults with a CYP2B6 516 TT genotype on anti-TB treatment. von Braun A, Castelnuovo B, Ledergerber B, Cusato J, Buzibye A, Kambugu A, Fehr J, Calcagno A, Lamorde M, Sekaggya-Wiltshire C. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2019 Jan 1;74(1):135-138. doi: 10.1093/jac/dky379.
  • Impatti sulle componenti ambientali e sulle acque legati a sviluppo di aree periurbane ( Niamay ). Focus su nitrati contenuti nelle acque: contaminazione naturale/effetto gestione scarichi e latrine a cielo aperto.
  • Implementing routine physical function screening among elderly HIV-positive patients in Uganda. Lwanga I, Nabaggala MS, Kiragga A, Calcagno A, Guaraldi G, Lamorde M, Castelnuovo B. AIDS Care. 2020 Nov;32(11):1467-1470. doi: 10.1080/09540121.2019.1703888. Epub 2019 Dec 17.
  • Low Antituberculosis Drug Concentrations in HIV-Tuberculosis-Coinfected Adults with Low Body Weight: Is It Time To Update Dosing Guidelines? Sekaggya-Wiltshire C, Chirehwa M, Musaazi J, von Braun A, Buzibye A, Muller D, Gutteck U, Motta I, Calcagno A, Fehr JS, Kambugu A, Castelnuovo B, Lamorde M, Denti P. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2019 May 24;63(6):e02174-18. doi: 10.1128/AAC.02174-18. 
  • Reduction de la vulnérabilité Agropastorale et amélioration de la résilience dans le Hodh de Chargui . Program de Renforcement Institutionnel en Mauritanie vers la Résilience Agricole et Pastorale” (RIMRAP)
  • Symptomatic cerebrospinal fluid HIV-1 escape in two patients on second-line antiretroviral therapy in Uganda. Ssebambulidde K, Segawa I, Laker E, Lamorde M, Castelnouvo B, Nakasujja N, Calcagno A. Oxf Med Case Reports. 2019 Feb 16;2019(2):omy132. doi: 10.1093/omcr/omy132. 
  •  The Influence of Pharmacogenetic Variants in HIV/Tuberculosis Coinfected Patients in Uganda in the SOUTH Study. Calcagno A, Cusato J, Sekaggya-Wiltshire C, von Braun A, Motta I, Turyasingura G, Castelnuovo B, Fehr J, Di Perri G, Lamorde M. Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2019 Aug;106(2):450-457. doi: 10.1002/cpt.1403. 
  • The Manifesto of Pharmacoenosis: Merging HIV Pharmacology into Pathocoenosis and Syndemics in Developing Countries. Trunfio M, Scabini S, Mornese Pinna S, Rugge W, Alcantarini C, Pirriatore V, Di Perri G, Bonora S, Castelnuovo B, Calcagno A. Microorganisms. 2021 Jul 31;9(8):1648. doi: 10.3390/microorganisms9081648. 



Sostegno integrato per il diritto all’acqua, igiene e nutrizione in Tanzania Centrale

Period: 01/04/17 – 30/04/22

Project Type: Other Research Projects with Competitive Funding

Project Head: Egidio DANSERO              


Description: Improvement of skills and knowledge of local stakeholders on integrated management of water and nutritional services at village and district levels (Regions of Dodoma and Iringa). Enhancement of access to water, functionality of health facilities, and water resource monitoring at village level in the Districts of Kongwa, Chamwino, Iringa, and Mudindi. Improvement of health and hygiene services quality in the Districts of Kongwa, Chamwino, Iringa, and Mufindi.